The second presidential debate between Donald Trump and Hillary Clinton is over and both sides must be relieved. The video/audio clip from NBC archives almost scuttled the Trump campaign and there were many bailouts who said they wanted to separate themselves from the sinking ship. The Donald is made of stronger stuff than his GOP detractors and came back fighting.
First, he presented a pre-debate tableau of women who have accused Bill Clinton of various degrees of sexual misbehavior showing that he was prepared to pull out all the stops in the wage of words with the Clintons.
Next, he stayed on message, not letting Hillary get ahead of him on a range of issues. He came out of the Sunday night battle ahead of Hillary possibly because he was not expected to get through the onslaught by the media. The moderators, Anderson Cooper (CNN) and Martha Raddatz (ABC) showed an unrelenting bias against Trump. Will we ever see a straight down the middle, fair and objective moderator again?
The real Gunfight at the OK Corral may be coming at the next closed door session of the GOP inner circle. The ones who jumped ship on the weekend may be a little nervous this morning.
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