Monday, December 26, 2016

'twas the Night After Christmas

The blatant betrayal of Israel by the Obama administration with regard to a UN resolution is causing     a large number of Democrats to speak out in outrage over the U.S. abstention.  Trump will have difficulty trying to overturn the vote and will have to find other ways to  repair the damage.

Didn't get a homeowners rebate check? Could be because your Town exceeded the mandated budget cap ( the most common reason for disqualifying a homeowner from receiving a check).  So chances are that you are paying more in property taxes and losing the rebate as well.  A double whammy.

Why did a representative of CAIR wish that more Russians had died in the tragic crash of a Russian airliner into the Black Sea on Christmas Day?  Disgusting and offensive.  Constantly amazed at the lack of civility and respect for humanity around the world today.

Derek Carr,  quarterback of my favorite NFL team, the Oakland Raiders sustained a season ending broken leg during Saturday's game against the Colts.  The loss of Carr seriously threatens the Raiders success in the coming playoffs.  Unfortunate for a team that made a huge comeback this season.

Looking forward to a better year than last.

Happy New Year my friends.

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