Thursday, January 16, 2014

MTA Payroll Tax Upheld
The State Court of Appeals has upheld the controversial MTA Payroll Tax.  Many politicos have expressed disappointment in the ruling.  Nassau Executive Mangano believes the tax hurts development and jobs.  Brookhaven Supervisor Ed Romaine has always opposed the tax and believes the court is in error.

Indoor Farmers Market
Holly Browder, an east end poultry farmer, meeting with the Board requested approval for an indoor farmers market for the old Swezey building on Main Street. Miss Browder had the support of many farmers who would like to participate.  The Board appeared to be favorable to the idea and Sean Walter indicated he would prepare a resolution for the next meeting.

Town Reviewing Ethics
Meeting with the head of the Town's ethics committee the Board, with advice of the Deputy Town Attorney, agreed to a review of town ethics especially with regard to conflicts of interest when political activity interfered with town business.  Supervisor Walter seemed to favor the ethics rules specified by the Brookhaven township.

Walmart Opens to Large Crowds
The new Walmart opened on Wednesday to enthusiastic shoppers.  The parking lot was so full that many simply turned around and left before ever visiting the store.

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