Thursday, April 24, 2014

School Board Candidates
There will be five (5) candidates running for the Riverhead Central School District Board of Education this year.  They are Laurie Downs, Lori Hulse, Greg Fischer, Greg Meyer and Kim Ligon.   Meyer and Ligon are incumbents.  The vote for the school budget and Board positions will be held on May 20

The Blue Agave  Burrito restaurant on East Main street was seized by the NY State Taxation Department for non payment of sales taxes. Owner Ken Loo vows to reopen within a week.

Armory Renovation
The cost of renovating the armory on route 58 for use as police headquarters and the justice court would cost $11.3 million dollars.  To build a new headquarters building from scratch would cost double that figure or $21.7 million plus the cost of the land.

Other ideas include moving the police headquarters to the vacant 2nd avenue firehouse or moving town hall to the 2nd ave firehouse allowing the justice court to move into the current town hall thereby giving the police room to expand.

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