Friday, May 16, 2014

Town Board Approves Costco Plan
Work at the Costco construction site will pick up momentum now that the Town has approved the latest plan to shield neighbors from an unwanted view of the store grounds.  They have increased the height of the berm by 3 1/2 half feet, exchanged the stockade fencing for 6 foot chain link fences with opaque strapping to increase privacy.
That seemed to satisfy the adjacent neighbors and the board.  However the Town Planners will not issue a Certificate of Occupancy until all work is completed.

School Budget and Board Voting on May 20.
All six candidates for board seats continue to campaign for the election that will be held on May 20.  Residents will also be voting for or against the school budget at that time.

Dog Shelter Heading West
The Riverhead Animal Control Center Dog Shelter is preparing to make a major move to EPCAL.  The Town has made an unused community center available for the shelter but some funding will be necessary for renovations and expansion.  No date has been given for the planned move.

Ticks Everywhere
Ticks seem to be gaining ground on us.  They just seem to be everywhere.  Had a recent conversation with a fellow who sprays lawns and trees and he said that there seemed to be even more this year than before.  The story that was circulated that the unusually cold winter had killed off a great many of the ticks is apparently just wishful thinking.

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